Preparing for Concerts
By Christian Eddings - Development Coordinator
Seeing things from the other side has helped me gain a new appreciation and respect for the people who set the stage for me and other artists alike. Preparing for opening night of an ASO concert kind of felt like preparing for my own performance. I felt the same anxiety and pressure that I would feel if it were me up there. These feelings of anxiety and pressure do not come from a place of fear, but are rooting in a deep need to succeed. I don’t ever believe that we won’t succeed. I just understand that it is our job to make things as perfect as possible for those people in the audience who support us, our mission, and want to see this organization live on past their years and ours.
In preparation for my first opening night I didn’t know what to think or to expect. I just know that I had to be mentally prepared for anything. I knew there would be a lot of running around and making sure every loose end was tied tight, but working with a great team and tightly knit unit can make big tasks seem small. The only real preparation required for me is mental preparation. I make sure that my mind is clear and that I come ready to work and do whatever I need to do to make sure things run smoothly.