Mask Policy

Updated: 5/26/2023
A joint decision by the Players' Association and ASO Society has been made to lift the vaccination policy at the beginning of the 2023-2024 season. As always, the situation will be monitored and the policy will be updated as necessary. Below is the communication from the Players' Committee:

With the distribution of the June 1 calendar and the commencement of the 2023-2024 season, the Players' Committee and Society are both in favor of lifting the COVID vaccine requirement for all players.

As we have learned from the previous three seasons, COVID infection rates can fluctuate drastically throughout the year, during and after holidays, and around the school calendar. The Players' Committee and the Society will continue to monitor infection rates over the summer months and throughout the upcoming season. The Committee will be ready to revisit and, if needed, amend our policy to protect the musicians, staff, and our patrons.

While the COVID vaccination policy is being lifted, the Committee is strongly recommending the following for all musicians:

  1. Continue to receive vaccinations/boosters as you are eligible. Staying up to date with your booster shots is the only way to ensure the highest levels of protection for yourself and transmission to others. If the vaccine requirement is reinstated, your up-to-date booster shots will ensure your ability to continue performing.
  2. Continue to wear masks, practice social distancing, and any other mitigation strategies that make you and others feel comfortable. Please continue to be aware of your colleagues and their health and wellness.
  3. Please do not come to services if you are feeling ill or have symptoms of an illness. The health and wellness of all musicians should be paramount.

Download the official vaccination policy here.



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Arkansas Symphony Orchestra is proud to be a partner orchestra of the National Alliance for Audition Support (NAAS), an unprecedented national initiative to increase diversity in American orchestras. It will do so by offering Black and Latinx musicians a customized combination of mentoring, audition preparation, financial support, and audition previews. Learn more at