Arkansas Symphony Orchestra Community Orchestra

Founded in 1998 at the University of Arkansas Little Rock, the Community Orchestra is now a part of the Education & Community Outreach arm of the Arkansas Symphony Orchestra. The orchestra (ASOCO) provides a once-a-week musical experience in a positive and nurturing environment for amateur musicians. All experience levels are welcome and no auditions are required. The ASOCO meets weekly to rehearse a wide variety of orchestral music and presents concerts twice a year for family, friends and the public.

Welcome Valery Saul, ASO's new Associate Conductor and Artistic Director/Conductor of the ASO Community Orchestra!

Conductor, Valery Saul

Upcoming Concert


ASO Community Orchestra Winter Concert Program
7 PM Thursday, January 30, 2024
ASO Stella Boyle Smith Music Center - Morgan Hall
1101 E. 3rd Street, Little Rock

Ludwig van Beethoven - Symphony No. 6 Mvt. I
Adrien Barthe - Passacaille (Wind Quintet)
Benjamin Abraham - Hagar’s Duel (Wind Quintet)
Astor Piazzolla - Oblivion
Astor Piazzolla - Tango á Trois (Brass quartet)
Astor Piazzolla - Libertango (Violin duo)
Franz von Suppé - "Overture" from Pique Dame

ASO Community Orchestra Spring Concert, May 2024

ASO Community Orchestra Spring Concert