ASO String Academy - Introductory Violin in Your School
ASO String Academy
The mission of the ASO String Academy is to provide an opportunity for excellence in the pursuit of high-quality musical education with a focus on violin and cello, based on methods and philosophies of Shinichi Suzuki, Mimi Zweig, and Paul Rolland. This is a proven method for developing confidence, creative thinking, and a general work ethic that will assist students' musical and non-musical endeavors.
Introductory Violin in Your School
Ms. Katherine Williamson, Director of the ASO String Academy, has designed a one-year “Introductory Violin in Your School” curriculum for Little Rock area elementary schools and after-school programs. This curriculum provides violin beginners a chance to build a strong foundation for technique as well as an introduction to music theory in a group class setting. To apply, please fill out and submit the application form to the Arkansas Symphony Orchestra.

Director - Katherine Williamson
Named "Classical Innovator" by the Arkansas Times in 2018, Williamson is particularly dedicated to continuing and expanding the work of the ASO String Academy to every corner of Little Rock.
Registration Process
1. Download the registration form here:
2. Send the completed form using on of these methods:
Standard Mail:
Arkansas Symphony Orchestra
ATTN: Katherine Williamson,
P.O. Box 7328, Little Rock, AR 72217
- OR -
Contact Katherine with any questions:
Phone number: (501) 666-1761, ext. 109