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Opus Ball XLI

November 8, 2025

Check this page often for updates!

The Symphony Grand Ball (2)

The Symphony Grand Ball

Enjoy fine dining, music, and dancing in the stunning setting of the Capital Hotel, all while supporting music and music education in Arkansas.

Education Challenge

Education Challenge

Support Opus Ball XLI and music education for children throughout Arkansas. Simmons Bank will match funds raised through the Education Challenge, dollar for dollar, up to $25,000.

Life & Silent Auctions

Live & Silent Auctions

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Little Rock wedding photographer

Patron's Party

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For more information, please contact

Ken'Terra Williams at 501.666.1761 — ext. 114 or

About the Opus Ball

The Arkansas Symphony’s annual gala fundraiser was established 40 years ago to raise funds for the ASO’s statewide education programs. Opus provides financial support for our many exciting music education programs, including:

  • The ASO String Academy serves over 400 elementary-age children across the state, many of who otherwise have little to no access to music education
  • ASO Youth Ensembles, which consist of more than 150 older children and teens from over 37 Arkansas communities
  • The Bucket Band, which uses accessible, everyday objects to teach rhythm and teamwork at multiple after-school sites in central Arkansas
  • The Children’s Concert, which reached over 11,000 students across the state through live and virtual attendance

These programs have allowed thousands of students across Arkansas to experience hands-on music education through private and group instrument lessons, quartet demonstrations and recitals, and interactive performances.

Many of ASO’s music education programs serve schools in low-to-moderate-income neighborhoods where more than 50% of students qualify for free or reduced lunch. ASO also works with these schools to offer programs at a cost that the schools can afford. Additionally, any child participating in the ASO String Academy or the Youth Ensembles in need of financial assistance receives scholarships, ensuring that economic barriers do not restrict a student’s development.

Your attendance and support at Opus XLI helps expand these programs to more students, grades, and schools in Arkansas.

The Simmons Bank Education Challenge also funds these quality music education programs. Through this Challenge, Simmons Bank matches every donation dollar-for-dollar. We sincerely appreciate your past attendance and generosity and hope you will consider renewing your support of the Education Challenge.

Thank you to our generous Opus Ball XLI Sponsors